
Friday, February 15, 2013

Your Favorite Things of 2012

In January we asked what your favorite things of 2012 were. Find out what your fellow colleagues liked the most in 2012!

Favorite product… Medical Transcription Tools CEC Bundle! This new power-pack of creditworthy information in the category of MTT is the perfect solution for someone looking for CECs for recredentialing. Coming in a close second was the new CMT Exam Audio Objectives CD, perfect for those studying for their CMT exam.

Favorite issue of Plexus "Public Speaking, The Art of Communication," July. This issue of Plexus focuses on the difference communication can make, even something as simple as giving thanks and how it's important to make sure we are present in the conversations we have. AHDI members: log in and catch up on how to communicate better!

Favorite webinar content… Preparing for the Future! Everyone wants to know what the future has in store, and though we don't have a crystal ball at our disposal, we have incorporated a new feature in Resource Central called "Future Watch" that will give you an insight as to what lies ahead and will provide information on future-focused webinars, articles, and other websites with similar discussions.

Favorite AHDI Member Benefit… Tied for your favorite benefit are Plexus magazine and Networking through AHDI alliances and components. These are both great benefits that we are proud to share with our members. Don't forget, AHDI members can access archives of Plexus magazine by logging into the website and going to Member Center > My Benefits > Publications. And you can join one of our Special Interest Alliances online or find a component in your area!

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