
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Free Exam Eligibility & Virtual Support Group

If you’re not one of the 2,301 HDSs who are already credentialed, now is the perfect time to make your New Years’ Resolution to join this elite group. We’ve made it easy for you to get started:

  1. Make your pledge to become credentialed. Complete the online form.
  2. After you make your pledge, we’ll add you to a virtual support group connecting you with fellow HDSs who have set the same goal as you. Instructions will be emailed to you.
  3. Read the Credentialing Candidate Guide (free .pdf download).
  4. Apply for exam eligibility. The $10 fee is waived this month for all AHDI members.
  5. Once approved, you will receive an “Authorization-to-test” email, which is valid for 180 days from the date of processing. This will give you a 180 day window to complete your studying, take a practice exam, and sit for your credentialing exam.

Below is additional information on AHDI’s credentials to help get your started.

Which credential is right for you?
Recent graduates 
HDSs/MTs with less than 2 years’ acute care experience
HDSs/MTs working in single-specialty environments
HDSs/MTs with 2+ years’ experience in acute care or multi-specialty*
RHDS with 2+ years’ experience in acute care or multi-specialty

*The RHDS is a pre-requisite for the CHDS. The Credential Qualifying Exam (CQE) gives you the opportunity to sit for both sit for both Level 1 (RHDS) and Level 2 (CHDS) content in a single session.

Everything you need to prep for the exams:

Credentialing Candidate Guide (free download)
Your go-to resource for everything you need to know about the RHDS and CHDS exams. It provides the blueprints for each credential, your options for taking an online proctored exam or at a testing center, and the recredentialing process to maintain your certification.

Registered Healthcare Documentation Specialist
RHDS logo
Certified Healthcare Documentation Specialist
CHDS logo

Psssttt...Rumor has it that a fun and rewarding credentialing challenge will begin in February! Stay tuned to AHDI's website and publications for more details soon!

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