
Friday, April 18, 2014

Book of Style Development Team—Call for Volunteers

AHDI is issuing a call for volunteers to serve on a development team for the next iteration of the Book of Style. Volunteers should be very familiar with The Book of Style for Medical Transcription, 3rd edition, and will discuss layout, current content, and trending topics for potential inclusion. The development team should be comprised of professionals of varying backgrounds, knowledge, and experience with regard to styles and standards, health information management, and technologies such as NLP and EHRs. Volunteers should be available for biweekly/monthly meetings, as decided by the group; provide input and feedback; and conduct research as necessary.

Interested parties should email Kristin Wall ( by April 30 with name, credentials, biographical information to include pertinent knowledge and experience that you can contribute to this project, and why you would like to serve on the Book of Style Development Team.

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