
Friday, August 15, 2008

2008 Board of Directors and Speaker-elect Elections

The polls are now open for the 2008 Board of Directors and Speaker-elect elections! Vote using the online ballot.

Attention Nonmembers!

Attention Nonmembers! AHDI wants to hear from you on a variety of industry/association issues. Please take a minute to complete the AHDI Nonmember Survey today.

2008 Elections for Board of Directors and Speaker-elect

2008 Elections for Board of Directors and Speaker-elect. See who the candidates are and read their bios.

Bentley College MT Survey

The preliminary report for the 2007 Bentley College MT Survey is now available for download and review.

Book of Style for Medical Transcription, 3rd edition

The Book of Style for Medical Transcription, 3rd edition, is available for purchase.

Dress for Success Sponsorship

Dress for Success Sponsorship - AHDI will be supporting Dress For Success at our annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, August 6-9, 2008.