
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bridging the Gap—Externship Model for MTSOs Now Available

Healthcare documentation companies looking to start an externship program or expand their existing program now have a helpful resource available that touches on all business and legal aspects for successful implementation, as outlined in this case study developed by industry peers who have already made it happen.

New England Medical Transcription and Sheridan Technical Center first partnered in 2011 to create a unique externship program, one in which the MTSO provides authentic account specifics and audio files for students to work on, with the students’ work still being managed and graded by the teacher on a day-to-day basis. Students who complete the externship and go to work for the MTSO will spend less time in training and mentoring, having already become familiar with the work during their externship.

This case study outlines the partnering process, addresses HIPAA compliance, audio files, how work is to be done, what happens after the externship is completed, and offers practical guidance and assistance for putting a process in place and working through issues that may arise. The myriad benefits to students, companies, and the industry are outlined in the full case study.

Download the full NEMT Collaborative Externship Model today!

Externship Survey for Employers—Please take our short 4-question employer survey.

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